Classic Guacamole
I first came across guacamole when I was about 17 yeas old while camping on a beach, on the Spanish island of Formentera. Here I met a wonderful Mexican girl named Sophia, who, one day, armed with the most basic of utensils. Rustled up a delicious lunch using just 5 ingredients. Avocados, Lemons, Garlic, Tabasco and Salt.
We sat in the shade of the dunes while tearing off chunks of freshly baked bread, and dipping into a big olive wood bowel of the bright green mush. I had never tasted anything like it before.
Over the years I’ve tried and tasted many guacamole variations, some with onion, some with tomato and some with herbs. But nothing has ever come close to the pure simplicity of Sophia’s Guacamole.
Guacamole is perfect for dipping with tortilla chips, as a condiment with Tacos or as a side with any Mexican dish.
Or even just served with some warm, freshly baked bread.